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Multiplier Event 1 – CSCDE Conference 1 – Bulgaria

Event Leading Organisation: 32 SU s izuchavane na chuzhdi ezici “Sv.Kliment Ohridski”

The event will be aimed at disseminating project’s procedures and results among the network of stakeholders [local, foreign, virtual participants] of each Partner in the consortium at local/regional and national level. Also, a representative of the Associated Partner will be among the virtual participants. If the foreign participants cannot attend the event, for any reason, they will be included in the virtual Participants.

The purpose of the meeting is to provide other educators, parents, students and policy- makers, social/educational organizations, and other stakeholders with in depth information about the following Results:
1. Advanced Pedagogy Framework for iLearning-eCreativity-eDiversity in K12 education (APF) [R1]
2. Interactive Content under the principles of distance learning (i-Content) [R2]
3. Intelligent e-Learning & Social Environment (IeLSE) [R3]

The above results regard the the online training of teachers [ the innovative IeSLE platform that was used, the Interactive Educational Material teachers interacted with, and the proposed pedagogical Framework for Complementary School Collaborative Distance Education [CSCDE programme ] for collaborative eCreativity and eDiversity]. Also, A short evaluation report on R1, R2, R3 based on the indicators specified will be presented. An Interactive Video-conference among the Partners, the local participants and virtual participants will be held. The equipment, set-up of the event is the Host’s responsibility with the aid of the eLearning Lab. This video- conference will be broadcast live through the YouTube Channels and/or Social Media of the Partners for anyone to watch and comment.

This event’s schedule is as follows:
Session 1: Welcome Speech by the host, Presentation of Result 1, 2, 3 by the respective Leading Organisation
Session 2: A Workshop: All Participants in the event [local and virtual] will access Results 1,2,3 themselves. They will browse the APF eBook, navigate the IeSLE environment to understand its structure and attempt to interact with the educational material.
Session 3: Discussion between the Partners of the Consortium and the participants in the event.

At the end of the event the host will compose a summary of the events activities, comments of stakeholders and the results of the discussion.


Multiplier Event 1 – CSCDE Conference 2 – Cyprus

Event Leading Organisation: Tamasos Primary School

The event will be aimed at disseminating project’s procedures and results among the network of stakeholders [local, foreign, virtual participants] of each Partner in the consortium at local/regional and national level. Also, a representative of the Associated Partner will be among the virtual participants. If the foreign participants cannot attend the event, for any reason, they will be included in the virtual Participants.

The purpose of the meeting is to provide other educators, parents, students and policy- makers, social/educational organizations, and other stakeholders with in depth information about the following Result:
1.Digital Educational Platform “e-me4all” [R4]
2. Teachers’ Learning Scenarios & Students’ Digital Stories Environment [R6]
3. Intelligent Virtual Reality Exhibition IVRE [R5]

The above results regard the the implementation of the Complementary School Collaborative Distance Education Programme [CSCDE programme ] for collaborative eCreativity and eDiversity on the topic “Internet Safety” and teachers’ and pupils’ deliverables. The CSCDE programme is based on the APF- R1 + R4 + R5 Also, A short evaluation report on the implementation of the CSCDE based on the indicators specified will be presented. An Interactive Video-conference among the Partners, the local participants and virtual participants will be held. The equipment, set-up of the event is the Host’s responsibility of the eLearning Lab. This video-conference will be broadcast live through the YouTube Channels and/or Social Media of the Partners for anyone to watch and comment.

This event’s schedule is as follows:
Session 1: Welcome Speech by the host, Presentations of Results 4, 5 & 6 by the respective Leading Organisation
Session 2: Voluntary Pupils’ presentations of their Digital Stories [live or recorded] in breakout rooms per school pair/class pair. Pupils’ views on their participation in the CSCDE programme. All Participants in the event [local and virtual] will access Result 6 Scenarios and Digital stories of all school pairs/class pairs/teacher pairs after the Multiplier Event as it is impossible to present all of them in one event.
Session 3: Virtual Tour of the IVRE by the Participants in the event.
Session 4: Discussion between the Partners of the Consortium and the participants in the event.

At the end of the event the host will compose a summary of the events activities, comments of stakeholders and the results of the discussion.